Ignacio Gonzalez-Alvarez

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Ignacio is a Spanish-born geoscientist who is currently the Principal Geochemist at CSIRO in Australia. He earned his BSc and MSc with a specialization in stratigraphy and sedimentary basins analysis, and his PhD focused on REE and HFSE mobility. He has conducted geological research and mineral exploration projects on five continents, including Canada, the USA, Papua New Guinea, Australia, China, India, Spain, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Congo, and Brazil.
In his role at CSIRO, Ignacio coordinates a diverse portfolio of multi-disciplinary and data integration projects in various regions across Australia. His leading research interests include trace element mobility in the Earth's crust, with special emphasis on REE and HFSE, surface processes, mineral systems, and mineral exploration.
Ignacio has also served as Associate Editor of several international journals such as Ore Geology Reviews, Frontiers for Earth Sciences, and Minerals, in addition to being a panel member of various non-profit organizations and participating in a wide variety of outreach activities promoting Earth Sciences. Furthermore, he is an Adjunct Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia.