Day 1: Tuesday 14 November
Time | Session |
8:00 am | Arrival tea and coffee |
8:30 am |
Workshops |
10:00 am | Morning tea |
10:30 am |
Workshops (continue)
12:00 pm | Lunch |
Session convenor: John Mavrogenes, ANU | |
12:50 pm | Welcome to Country |
1:00pm |
Opening Remarks |
Context | |
1:15 pm | Global Geocontext, Australian REE challenges and opportunities Ignacio Gonzalez-Alvarez, Principal Geochemist, CSIRO |
1:45 pm | Indigenous Futures Darren Godwell, CEO, i2i Global |
2:10 pm | Current Fundamentals of Rare Earths Thomas Kruemmer, Director, Ginger International |
2:35 pm | Afternoon tea |
Session convenors: Kingsley Jones, ANU and Jevons Global | |
3:10 pm | Australia's Rare Earth Future Jeff Wilson, Director of Research and Economics, Ai Group |
3:35 pm | The US Government view Michael Sullivan, Economic Counsellor, US Embassy, Canberra |
4:00 pm | Mt Weld Global REE context and future Marcelle Watson, Mt Weld Geology Manager, Lynas |
4:25 pm | Challenges with REE extraction at Olympic Dam Kathy Ehrig, Head of Metallurgy BHP Olympic Dam |
4:50 pm | Developing the Nolans Bore Deposit David Grabau, Head of External affairs, Arafura |
5:15 pm | Networking drinks & ECR posters Physics |
7:00 pm | Networking dinner Research School of Earth Sciences courtyard |
Day 2: Wednesday 15 November
Time | Session |
8:00 am | Arrival tea and coffee |
Strategy: The positioning of Australian Rare Earths in the Global Supply Chain | |
Session convenor: Joelle D’Andres, ANU | |
8:30 am | The role of the US in global REE supply chains Clint Cox, President, The Anchor House, Inc |
8:55 am | Australia's approach to bilateral cooperation in Asia Jess Williams, CMO-Strategy with Asia |
9:20 am | Investment in Australia Stephen Land, CIO, NAIF |
9:45 am | Educational issues in Nuclear Physics and Mining Tom McGoram, Nuclear Physics ANU |
10:00 am | Morning tea |
Session convenor: Ross Chandler, ANU | |
10:30 am | The Dubbo Project: Building Australia's rare earth industry Rowena Smith, CEO Australian Strategic Materials |
11:00 am | New energy commodities and critical minerals for India Mohan Yellishetty, Monash University |
11:30 am | Australian ambitions to move downstream Nev Power, Omnia Company |
12:00 pm | REE processing at ANSTO Karin Soldenhoff, Principal Consultant, ANSTO Minerals |
12:30 pm | Lunch |
Session convenor: Michael Anenburg, ANU | |
1:20 pm | The view from Japan Mr Hiroyuki Katayama, General Manager of JOGMEC Sydney Office |
1:45 pm | Renewable Energy & Critical Minerals Superpower Tim Buckley, Director, Climate Energy Finance, Sydney |
2:10 pm | Energy Requirements for the transition Mike Sandiford, Melbourne University and the Superpower Institute |
2:35 pm | Afternoon tea |
Actions | |
Session convenor: Carolina Engel Spital, ANU | |
3:05 pm | Does a detachment from the Chinese rare earth market threaten the global energy transition? Michael Dixon, Project Blue |
3:30 pm | REE Mining sustainability Issues Phoebe Whattoff, Minviro Australia |
3:55 pm | Microcharacterisation of clay hosted REE deposits in WA via industry/MRIWA research collaboration Nishka Piechocka, RSC Global |
Session convenor: Namali Mackay | |
4:20 pm | Panel discussions Moderator: Namali Mackay (Critical Minerals Association Australia) Panel Members: Vicki Treadell, the British High Commissioner to Australia Michael Sullivan, Economic Advisor, US Embassy, Canberra Clint Cox, President, The Anchor House, Inc |
5:20 pm | Drinks |
7:00 pm | Conference dinner National Museum of Australia Speaker: The Honorable Madeleine King, Minister for Resources and Minister for Northern Australia Attendees: ANU Chancellor Julie Bishop and ANU Vice Chancellor Brian Schmidt |
Day 3: Thursday 16 November
Time | Session |
8:00 am | Arrival tea and coffee |
Actions | |
Session convener: Marie Aude Bonnardot, Geoscience Australia | |
8:30 am | Biomining of rare earth elements: microbes, mechanisms and potential applications Anna Kaksonen, Group Leader, Industrial Biotechnology, CSIRO |
9:00 am | Carbonatite-related REE mineral potential mapping of Australia Arianne Ford, Geoscience Australia |
9:20 am | REE potential of Australian tailings Kam Bhowany, SMI University of Queensland |
9:40 am | Kangankunde the giant: 25 million tonne TREO Alistair Stevens, Lindian Resources |
10:00 am | Morning tea |
Session convener: Ignacio Gonzalez-Alvarez, CSIRO Perth | |
10:30 am | Recent developments in the REE potential of the Gascoyne region of WA Luke Blais, Dreadnought Resources |
10:55 am | A new niobium-REE carbonatite province, West Arunta Sarah James, Exploration Manager, Encounter Resources |
11:15 am | The REE potential of the Esperance District Brett Hazelden, OD6 |
11:35 am | The Doradilla REE Province of Northern NSW Oliver Davies, Sky Metals |
11:55 am | Life of Mine Economics Jess Page, WGA |
12:20 pm | Where from here? Professor John Mavrogenes, The Australian National University |
12:35 pm | Lunch |
1:30 pm | Workshops
3:00 pm | Afternoon tea |
3:30 pm | Workshops (continue)
5:00 pm |
Farewell drinks |