Welcome to the Rare Earth Conference workshops. Our workshops are meticulously designed to foster engaging discussions, share groundbreaking research, and promote interdisciplinary interactions.
Emerging REE Bio-extraction techniques (ANU, Biology and CSIRO)
Location: Physics Auditorium
- Caitlyn Byrt – ANU
- Nick Gurieff – Rio Tinto
- Anna Kaksonen – CSIRO
- Denys Villa – University of Queensland
- Jack Dalton – ANU
- Yi Ning Fu – ANU
- Hugh Ashley – ANU
In the workshop we will discuss emerging bioengineering and biotechnological approaches to extracting and processing critical minerals and REEs. The content will include discussion of synthetic biology approaches and tools, and current research and development challenges and opportunities.
Risk and Reward: the geopolitics of REE (ANU, National Security College)
Location: Physics Conference Room 4.03
- Tim Wilford (ANU)
- Dayle Stanley (ANU)
- Ryan Young (ANU)
The NSC Futures Hub will deliver a workshop that will explore the global political and strategic trends that will shape the future of rare earths and the implications this will have for government, research and industry in Australia. This hands on session will help develop a shared awareness for participants, exploring multiple possible futures and how we might leverage opportunities and manage risks to prepare for those futures today.
REE For Dummies (ANU, Earth Sciences)
Location: Jaeger 8 rm 1.11
- John Mavrogenes
- Antony Burnham
- Ross Chandler
This course is a basic introduction to the Rare Earth Elements (REE) for those with little or no experience in the field. This will include:
- which elements are rare earths?
- where are they on the periodic table?
- what characteristics make them useful?
- what types of rocks they are associated with?
- which minerals contain the REE? (Includes hands-on session)
- what controls the geographic distribution of REE deposits?
- how do the REE differ from one another and why do they tend to occur together?
- how are they extracted from minerals and the economics of their use?
NORM in REE Processing (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials)
Location: Jaeger 8, rm 1.02
- Bob Ring (ANSTO)
- Suzanne Burling (ANSTO)
Radioactive elements such as Th and U commonly accompany the REE. This workshop will address the scientific challenges this poses, including:
- Understanding radionuclide decay chains
- NORM measurement
- Radionuclide deportment in REE processing
- Techniques for separating radionuclides from the REE
- International regulations for the handling, processing and transport of NORM
- Radiation dose and limits
Established REE Extraction Techniques (ANSTO Minerals)
Location: Jaeger 8, rm 1.11
- Elizabeth Ho (ANSTO)
- Suzanne Burling (ANSTO)
This workshop will cover industrial processes for recovery of REE from ores, including:
- Introduction to beneficiation
- Processing of monazite and xenotime ores
- Processing of bastnasite ores
- Processing of clay hosted deposits
Economics of REE (ANU and others)
Location: Physics Conference Room 4.03
- Kingsley Jones (ANU and Jevons Global)
- Phoebe Whattoff (Minviro)
- Jess Page (WGA)
Session 1 (1:30 pm to 3:00 pm): "Economics Part 1: Global Commodity Dynamics and Sustainability"
- Phoebe Whattoff, Country Director, Australia. Minviro
- Dr Kingsley Jones, Visiting Fellow ANU and CIO, Jevons Global
This session aims to put rare earth economics in the context of global geopolitical and sustainability trends.
- Geopolitical security through diversified sourcing
- Environmental sustainability through carbon intensity and life cycle analysis
- Recycling and optimization of flow sheets for reagent use and transport costs.
Session 2 (3:30 pm to 5:00 pm): "Economics Part 2: Australian Supply Chain Development"
- Jess Page, Group Data Analytics Manager, WGA
- Dr Kingsley Jones, Visiting Fellow ANU and CIO, Jevons Global
This session aims to put rare earth economics in the context of Australian supply chain development:
- Opportunities and challenges in rare earth separation and processing.
- Economics of clay-hosted REE to meet the HREE supply challenge.
- The need for skills development and shared facilities.
The Geology of Australian REE Deposits (ANU, Earth Sciences)
Location: Physics Auditorium
- Michael Anenburg (ANU, Earth Sciences)
- Ross Chandler (ANU, Earth Sciences)
This session will focus on:
- Key types of REE deposits: carbonatites, peralkaline igneous rocks, clay-hosted, heavy mineral sands
- Exploration for REE deposits
- Australian deposits: case studies
Financing REE Projects (ICA Partners and EFA)
Location: Jaeger 8, rm 1.02
- Matthew Stevens – Director, ICA Partners
- Stephen Land – Chief Investment Officer, NAIF (Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility)
- Simon Fischer –Director, EFA (Export Finance Australia)
The session will focus on debt funding opportunities and considerations for greenfield REE development projects.